A NADCA Certified Air Duct Cleaning Company, An Authorized Aeroseal Dealer, A Licensed TSSA HVAC Contractor
A NADCA Certified Air Duct Cleaning Company, An Authorized Aeroseal Dealer, A Licensed TSSA HVAC Contractor

Making a house less dusty is a 2-step approach; this means getting the current dust out and then reducing the amount of dust that comes in.

If your house has never had duct cleaning done, or it wasn’t done properly to begin with – then chances are there is an over accumulation of drywall dust, saw dust etc. that is lining your HVAC system since it’s original construction or any recent renos.  And if so, it’s likely being recirculated throughout your home whenever the furnace blower is on.

Removing this dust would help the issue but there are other things that must also be done in order to decrease the dust in your home.  ie. regular furnace filter maintenance, regular vacuuming, improving airflow/circulation in the home etc.

Here are some basic tips on things you can do to improve the indoor air quality of your home…

First know and understand the source of poor indoor air quality; there are three main types of air pollution to consider:

1) Particulates (air pollutants that have mass) like dust, dander, pollen, and cigarette smoke
2) Volatile Organic Compounds (V.O.C.s) which are gases from chemicals that are release into the air by various household materials and liquids.
3) Bio-Burden is the amount of biological material in the air, living or dead. Dead material can cause allergic reactions, living material can cause allergic reactions, some can cause disease.

Once your ducts are cleaned, it’s important we keep them that way by eliminating or reducing the air pollution that gets into your home.  Some things to consider:

• Minimize Chemical Pollutants
• Avoid smoking indoors. Tobacco smoke contains thousands of indoor pollutants at high concentrations.
• Choose low-emitting products that have been third-party certified and labeled by reputable organizations such as GREEENGUARD and Green Seal. Be wary of manufacturer claims of “no VOC”, “natural” or “alternative.”
• Minimize the use of harsh cleaners, solvent-based cleaners or cleaners with strong fragrances.
• Certain activities, such as paint stripping, hobby soldering or gluing, painting, sanding and rock polishing, may create high levels of pollution and should be performed outside.
• Control car and appliance exhaust. Do not idle cars, lawnmowers or other engines in the garage, especially those that are attached to the house.
• Buy machine washable bedding. Wash pillows, sheets and comforters weekly to reduce exposure to allergens, including dust mites.
• Consider removing shoes at the door to minimize dust and dirt tracked in from the outdoors.
• Place walk off mats at all entrances to your home.
• Use high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuum cleaners with disposable bags and microfiber cloths for surface dust removal.
• Keep homes dry. Control relative humidity levels to less than 60 percent, using dehumidifiers if necessary. Clean humidifiers frequently.
• Repair all leaks promptly.
• If there has been a flood or water damage, take immediate action and remove the water and wet materials. Dry all porous materials and furnishings within 48 hours. If mold grows on any porous materials, such as drywall, ceiling tiles or wood, discard and replace.
• Run bathroom exhaust fans while showering.
• House plants can improve indoor air quality by filtering carbon dioxide; however, if they are over-watered, they can encourage mold growth.
• Open doors and windows when temperature and humidity levels permit. However, be mindful of outdoor allergens during spring and fall seasons.
• Make sure that mechanical filters are in place, that they fit well and that they are changed periodically according to manufacturer’s instructions.
• Make sure that fuel burning furnaces, fireplaces, heaters, range tops, exhaust fans and other appliances are vented to the outside well away from windows and heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) intakes.

SOURCE: greenguard.org

The suggestions listed above are just some ways you can reduce your indoor air pollution.

Another thing to consider is the use of a HEPA FILTRATION SYSTEM.

True-HEPA filtration traps particles as tiny as 0.3 microns with an efficiency rating of 99.97%.  A HEPA filter is so efficient that for every 10,000 particles that enter the filter within its filtering range, only 3 particles will get through. Surprisingly, HEPA filters become even more efficient the longer they are in use.

The particle reading that we offer demonstrates the effectiveness of running a HEPA in the home through before and after readings.

If you’re serious about improving the indoor air quality of your home, I strongly suggest you consider a whole house hepa filtration system.  As an aside, I have one in my home and my son has asthma and allergies and we no longer use his puffer in our home.  The only time his puffer is used is when his immune system is already weakened (colds/flus etc).

For more information, please contact us here.

Check out an article we did with www.eieihome about “Air Duct Cleaning and HEPA Filters Help Bring Relief to Allergy Sufferers”

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