Warning Tag Category “A” – Appliance or Work is an Immediate Hazard When a certified gas technician finds that an appliance or work is in an unacceptable condition that constitutes an immediate hazardous situation, he or she must immediately shut off the supply of gas to the appliance or work, complete this tag, affix it to the appliance or work, and send a copy so that Enbridge Gas Distribution receives it within 14 days.
This tag serves as notice that the appliance or work to which it is affixed must not be used or operated until the noted unsafe conditions have been corrected and the appliance or work is compliant with all safety regulations. Appliances can only be re-activated by a certified gas technician after he/she is satisfied the unsafe conditions have been corrected and the appliance or work is compliant with all safety regulations. It is your responsibility to ensure corrections are made by a certified gas technician.
Once corrections are made, the certified gas technician must complete the “Work Completed By” portion of this tag (the “clearance”) and immediately mail it, or scan and e-mail it to Enbridge Gas Distribution (e-mail addresses and mailing address at bottom of the form). This portion of the tag must clearly show the name of the certified gas technician that corrected the condition, their signature, address, phone number, and certificate number.
Enbridge is required to inspect the appliance or work that was tagged if this information is missing or unclear and a service charge may be levied against you for this activity. If you have any questions, please contact Enbridge Gas Distribution toll free, at 1-877-362-7434.
Warning Tag Category “B” – Appliance or Work Does NOT Constitute an Immediate Hazard When a certified gas technician finds that an appliance or work is in an unacceptable condition but does not constitute an immediate hazard, he or she must complete this tag and affix it to the appliance or work, and send a copy so that Enbridge Gas Distribution receives it within 14 days.
This tag serves as notice that the appliance or work to which it is affixed can be used or operated, but that the unacceptable condition must be corrected, and it must be compliant with all safety regulations before the expiry date noted on this tag. It is your responsibility to ensure corrections are made by the expiry date noted on this tag. It is illegal for the tagged appliance to be used beyond the expiry date shown on the tag if the corrections have not been made. Enbridge is required to shut off the gas supply to the tagged appliance or work if it does not receive notice that the unacceptable conditions have been corrected by the expiry date (i.e. the “Work Completed By” portion of this tag (the “clearance”)). If Enbridge cannot gain access to the appliance or work, Enbridge will shut off the gas supply to the entire premises.
Appliances can only be re-activated by a certified gas technician after he/she is satisfied the unsafe conditions have been corrected and the appliance or work is compliant with all safety regulations. Once corrections are made, the certified gas technician must complete the “Work Completed By” portion of the tag (the “clearance”) and immediately mail it, or scan and e-mail it to Enbridge Gas Distribution.
This portion of the tag must be received by Enbridge no less than five (5) business days prior to the expiry date in order to allow for processing. A service charge may be levied against you if Enbridge does not receive the tag within this time.
This portion of the tag must clearly show the name of the certified gas technician that corrected the condition, their signature, address, phone number and certificate number.
Enbridge is required to inspect the appliance or equipment that was tagged if this information is missing or unclear and a service charge may be levied against you for this activity. If you have any questions, please contact Enbridge Gas Distribution toll free, at 1-877-362-7434.
If you’ve received a RED TAG – give us a call to discuss your options! 416-668-4607 or email info@davesducts.com