What is a combi-boiler?
A combi (combination) boiler is designed to heat a building, using hot water (similar to a boiler), but also includes the components and controls to internally heat the domestic hot water (DHW) required in the application. By having both heating and hot water in one unit, the combi will save space in the mechanical room and also save on the initial installation compared to separate appliances.
How does a combi-boiler work?
A combi (combination) boiler provides both space heating and on demand domestic hot water. In heating mode, water from the space heating system will flow through the heat exchanger and out to the system similar to a standard boiler. When a domestic hot water demand (open faucet) occurs, water flows through a separate heat exchanger in the combi, and a valve inside the unit diverts heating water over to the DHW heat exchanger. Space heating water is used to heat the domestic hot water until the demand ends. At the end of the domestic demand, the combi will switch back to supply space heating.
Does the same water that heats the home come out the faucets?
No. Inside the combi-boiler is a heat exchanger that separates the space heating flow from the domestic water flow, so the water in the heating system is isolated from the domestic hot water. The only thing that happens in the heat exchanger is that the heat from the higher temperature space heating water is transferred to the lower temperature domestic water.
What’s the benefit of choosing a combi-boiler?
Since the combi boiler provides both space heating and domestic hot water all in one unit, it can provide space savings over two or more units. Combi boilers also can provide endless hot water in DHW mode, similar to a tankless water heater. Combi boilers may also reduce the installation cost by reducing the number of appliances, possibly reducing the number of wall or roof penetrations required for exhaust and intake piping, and may reduce some of the gas piping requirements.

If you are considering purchasing a COMBINATION BOILER or AIR CONDITIONER – please give us a call or email to discuss options! 416-668-4607 or
NOTE – as a NAVIEN SERVICE SPECIALIST we will provide a NO HEATING SERVICE CALL for a fee; give us a call to schedule!
Should a repair be required, you will be responsible for labour rates outside of the diagnostic fee.
NAVIEN provides a PARTIAL LABOUR RATE; be mindful that there will be an additional cost to repair or replace your UNIT should a part or UNIT require replacement.